Фриды Шутман



Ф. Шутман.

Never stop dreaming

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My world isn’t large.

My world is quite small,

And I’d like to travel 

To explore it all.


To enter its deepest

And darkest place...

To fly to the endless

Unknown space.


This world isn’t large

In my every night dreams...

But it’s really huge

Or it so seems.


Who knows the truth -

Where’s the border of it?

We deny the reality

And debaters just heat.


While sitting in front of

A big PC screen

I feel and imagine

My brain’s between


The mighty fractals

Of the three-dimensional space,

My heart is with whom

I’m running a life race.


I still have a dream -

To know myself

And study my universe 

Like a book from a shelf.




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